Office Furniture

$262.73 $289.00 inc GST ex GST EACH
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$262.73 $289.00 inc GST ex GST EACH
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$262.73 $289.00 inc GST ex GST EACH
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$262.73 $289.00 inc GST ex GST EACH
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$240.91 $265.00 inc GST ex GST EACH
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$240.91 $265.00 inc GST ex GST EACH
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$240.91 $265.00 inc GST ex GST EACH
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$235.45 $259.00 inc GST ex GST EACH
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$235.45 $259.00 inc GST ex GST EACH
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$235.45 $259.00 inc GST ex GST EACH
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$235.45 $259.00 inc GST ex GST EACH
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Setting up your new office space is an exciting new venture – and it necessitates office furniture and supplies of the highest quality. At Office Choice, you can consider it sorted. No matter what you need, we will do our best to source it for your business.

But how do you begin to get sorted with planning and buying what you need? Leave it to us, the experts. Whether you’re after sleek modern office desks or are focusing on more ergonomic pieces like comfortable chairs, we’ve got a range that covers all the bases. Read on to discover the ins and outs of planning and designing your office’s interior with Office Choice.

There is so much you can say and do through your office furniture. With Office Choice, you always have a say in the spaces you create and why. Let us help you to find the perfect pieces for your new workplace. Office Choice also offers custom furniture fitouts for your business. Contact us today to discover how we can assist in creating an optimal workspace for you and your team with our custom furniture fit out service. Our process involves assessing your space and recommending furniture that aligns perfectly with your needs.

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FAQ About Office Furniture 2024

What Should Be Considered Before Buying Office Furniture?

There are several factors to take into consideration when choosing your office furniture. These include:


As the one responsible for office planning or design, your overall budget is the first detail to get squared away. This estimation will help you find office furniture that suits your needs and budget while providing comfort, functionality, and a fitting aesthetic.


The next determining factor is the layout of your new office. Do you have the measurements needed? Have you drafted a plan of what can fit where? Consider the flow of the space, what’s required of your team, and how you can design an office that is comfortable and convenient for everyone.


When it comes to office furniture, comfort cannot be overstated. Ergonomic office furniture has become essential in the modern workplace. We spend so much time communicating online or doing most of the work with the help of technology that we need extra lumbar support. Ergonomic office furniture is the ideal solution to a novel problem.

Team Needs

Talk to your team about what they need to make the office better. Some people may need standing desks, while others are keen on an extra lamp for better lighting. Discuss it with your colleagues so you can better understand and plan your new office space.


Does your office have built-in storage, and is it enough? What storage solutions do you have available to you? How much storage will your team need? Although not often considered until the last minute, storage is an essential part of any busy team, and this type of office furniture should not be overlooked.


Often considered towards the end of the decision-making process, style is an essential factor when it comes to choosing office furniture. The style of your office is directly influenced by its furniture, so ask yourself what aesthetic encompasses your company. If you’re going to be meeting clients in the space, what would best underline your organisation? If you’re focused on functionality and comfort, how can you still make it an appealing and welcoming space to work?


Office furniture is a long-term investment, so it’s vital to buy pieces that are of solid quality and will last your team a long time. The furniture should be able to withstand daily use without much wear and tear.

What Essential Furniture Should Be in an Office?

Essential furniture can mean different things to different businesses. For example, a doctor's office may have different furniture requirements to that of an accountant's office. A doctor's office may need a more comfortable and spacious waiting area, whereas an accountant's meeting room may need a bigger table. That said, there are essential pieces of office furniture that serve as a base throughout most office spaces, such as:

The above office furniture is likely to be part of the common furniture items you’ll need when setting up your new office space. This could vary depending on what business or industry you’re in. However, regardless of industry, everyone needs somewhere to carry out their work, be comfortable, potentially meet clients or future employees, and have a space to rest or unwind during the work day.

How Do You Decide On What Office Furniture Is Needed?

Choosing office furniture depends on the nature of your business, your needs and the office layout. Multiple factors help you to decide what furniture is necessary because they all hold equal importance.

There is a base collection of office furniture that can be used in most cases, whether it’s for a commercial office or a retail space. Spend less investing with our custom office furniture options and save time working with one of our professionals to design the functions interior setting your space deserves. 

When it comes to choosing what exact office furniture is needed, we also recommend:

Considering Your Employees

Include their respective tasks and roles in your decision-making. People may have a variety of roles to fulfil in your workspace, and their needs and comfort should be considered as you choose office furniture. Perhaps you could ask your employees about the challenges they’re facing with the current set-up, to better understand what you might need to add or change. 

Accounting for Your Inventory

What office furniture do you already have? What would you like to donate? What would you like to keep? At Office Choice, we go above and beyond to source the furniture and supplies that you’re looking for so you can maintain your aesthetic and comfort with brands or pieces you already know and love.

Accounting for Safety

When it comes to office planning and design, safety regulations and rules matter. Consider the local laws and regulations as you plan your office space, including what’s necessary and how to have a clear route for evacuation in case of an emergency. Another thing to consider is first aid kits and sanitation. Ensure that you’re stocked with the necessary safety supplies to ensure that your staff remain safe.

Account for Your Brand

As a business, your brand matters. The image that you project with your office’s style and design will have an impact on your future, whether it’s through your employees or clients. Choosing high-quality office furniture that matches your industry will only help to solidify that brand.

What Is The Best Way To Arrange Office Furniture?

Here are a few of our main tips when it comes to arranging or rearranging your office to maximise functionality and space. 

Clear Entry

Don’t clutter the entry to your office. The space should have a few items, at best, to allow for an uninterrupted flow. If you end up crowding the space, it can visually shrink it.

Allow for Traffic

Your office might be full of busy bees or on the more relaxed side. Either way, you should allow for foot traffic. Have clear pathways between desks, down hallways, outside meeting rooms and from the reception. Don’t scatter furniture or other pieces around the office; have designated spaces that they remain in at all times.

Wall Space

Your wall space is as valuable as the rest of your office. Rather than covering your walls with artwork, shelves or other furniture, try to have some blank areas. These will be a neutralising canvas, allowing for visual breathing room and allowing for fluidity.  


All designs, from offices to homes, need balance. Try to balance your office by evenly distributing furniture, plants and décor. This visual balance will help your office to look more well-thought-out and professional. Avoid bunching up desks or décor in one corner under the guise of ‘saving space’ – less can be more when done correctly.

Natural Light

While not all office spaces may have access to the same amount of natural light, you should try to maximise the amount of natural light in each space regardless. Don’t place large, blocky pieces of office furniture in front or next to windows; have desks or plants near natural light instead to create a more welcoming space.

Should Office Furniture Be an Expense or Asset?

Office furniture can either be an expense or an asset; it’s not mutually exclusive either.

Office Furniture as an Expense

  • When you’re not investing in durable, long-lasting office furniture, it is usually an expense. This is common for businesses that consider it a day-to-day operational expense.

  • Some office furniture, such as desks or stools, that have a limited lifespan because of regular use or negligible cost, are considered expenses rather than assets.

Office Furniture as an Asset

  • When you have invested in office furniture, they are considered an asset. These pieces usually have a longer lifespan and are more robust. They’re called ‘capital assets’ and are thought of as long-term investments.

  • Capital assets depreciate over time (i.e. cost is spread over their estimated useful life). It can include office furniture like cubicles or conference tables.

How Does Office Furniture Affect Productivity and Wellbeing?

Well-designed offices have multiple roles, including underlining a brand, creating a comfortable atmosphere, and enhancing the overall productivity and well-being of your team members and employees.

In a nutshell, a happier workplace is a healthier one. You can influence the productivity and well-being of your team in simple but effective ways, such as:

  • Bringing comfort into their daily lives with ergonomic office furniture;

  • Designing open spaces for communication and collaboration at work;

  • Emphasising flexibility through office furniture choices that allow employees to move around and rearrange spaces to suit them and their needs;

  • Having areas dedicated to privacy so team members can knuckle down and focus when they need to;

  • Creating and maintaining a style that supports your brand and brings a sense of liveliness to the office, thereby directly impacting the working atmosphere;

  • Contributing to overall job satisfaction and retention by making your workspace a happier, better place for people to work.